Revisiting Plaza Roosevelt
Kim revists an affordable housing development featured in Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing: Plaza Roosevelt, in Michigan
Kim revists an affordable housing development featured in Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing: Plaza Roosevelt, in Michigan
Greenbuild’s Virtual Resilience Summit on October 1st, 2020 outlined strategies that build more resilient communities while advancing social equity. Kim Vermeer reflects on her experience moderating the Resilience Summit Afternoon Salon, featuring Avni Jamdar, at Emerald Cities San Francisco, and Kendra Norell, who is the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator in Richmond, Virginia.
The Greenbuild International Conference and Expo has gone virtual! Kim Vermeer is a member of the advisory group for the conference’s Resilience Summit.
Kim Vermeer and Walker Wells published an article in Shelterforce Magazine, Resilience in the Face of a Pandemic: Green Affordable Housing Matters More Than Ever. The article addresses the role of green building in rethinking post-Covid-19 design and development.